Chat Frequently Asked Questions

I typed my name into "name" and got the message "That name is protected. Please log in or choose another." Did someone already take my username?

No. That username is not registered or you are not logged in. To register or log into chat first click in the "name" box and enter the name you want to use. Then click the "profile" link and register your name with a password. NO SPACES IN USERNAME or it will be deleted from server and you'll have to register again. Underscores are fine.

I keep seeing colored names in chat. How do I change the color of my username?

Username highlights are reflective of staff and support of ccc. Our MODS, VIPS, and SUBSCRIBERS will have colored names in chat.

How do I use emotes?

Click the smilies button at the bottom right of chat for a list of ccc emotes. Emojis on your phone are discouraged and, going forward, chat messages with android emojis may be deleted by mods.

Can I green text in chat?

Yes but you must put a space between ">" and chat message or double up on ">" symbol: example ">>"

What other chat commands are available?

!somini = shouts out boysmeetsmini

!sovini =shoutsout downloadablediscontent

!soyoutube = shouts out Chainsaw's YouTube channel

!sojustin = shouts out JustinFREAKIN

!soprawn = shouts out EpicPrawn

!sonerd = shouts out Nerdidity is still in early development. Ownership and all rights reserved by EpicPrawn.

Website Version 1.0 website framework ownership by Chainsaw - Cash, Coffee, & Chaos and EpicPrawn. All Rights Reserved

Chat CSS, BiggerScreen, and Player are a derivative work from CCC

Website Version 1.0 is a derivative work from CCC.